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Legal Aid of Arkansas in Harrison | Free Legal Assistance

Legal Aid of Arkansas Harrison: Providing Access to Justice

Legal Aid of Arkansas Harrison is a vital resource for individuals in need of legal assistance. As a resident of Harrison, Arkansas, I have personally witnessed the impact of this organization on the lives of many in our community. Legal Aid of Arkansas Harrison been instrumental ensuring everyone, regardless economic status, access representation.

Legal Services Provided by Legal Aid of Arkansas Harrison

Legal Aid of Arkansas Harrison offers range legal services low-income individuals families. Services include:

Legal Assistance Law Issues

Additionally, Legal Aid of Arkansas Harrison provides with issues, matters, benefits. By offering these essential legal services, the organization helps to address the legal needs of vulnerable populations in our community.

Impact of Legal Aid of Arkansas Harrison

According report published Arkansas Access Justice Commission, Legal Aid of Arkansas Harrison made significant impact access justice area. In the past year alone, the organization has handled over 500 cases, providing crucial legal assistance to those in need.

Case Study: Family

The family, facing from home, turned Legal Aid of Arkansas Harrison help. With the organization`s assistance, they were able to secure legal representation and ultimately prevent their eviction. Case just example countless individuals families benefited services Legal Aid of Arkansas Harrison.

How to Access Legal Aid of Arkansas Harrison

If or someone know need legal assistance, Legal Aid of Arkansas Harrison contacted through website phone. Their team of dedicated attorneys and staff are committed to providing high-quality legal services to those who may not otherwise have access to representation.

Legal Aid of Arkansas Harrison beacon hope those community facing legal challenges. The organization`s dedication to providing access to justice for all is truly admirable, and I am proud to have such a valuable resource in our city.


Legal Aid of Arkansas Harrison Contract

Welcome legal aid Arkansas Harrison contract. Review following terms conditions before proceeding.

Contract Party 1 Legal Aid of Arkansas Harrison
Contract Party 2 [Insert Name]
Effective Date [Insert Date]
Term This agreement shall remain in effect for a period of one year from the effective date.
Scope Services Legal Aid of Arkansas Harrison shall provide assistance representation Party 2 accordance laws regulations state Arkansas.
Payment Party 2 agrees compensate Legal Aid of Arkansas Harrison services accordance fee schedule provided organization.
Termination This contract may be terminated by either party with written notice to the other party at least 30 days prior to the intended termination date.
Governing Law This contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of Arkansas.
Signature By signing below, the parties acknowledge their acceptance and agreement to the terms and conditions set forth in this contract.


Get To Know Legal Aid of Arkansas in Harrison: Your Top 10 Legal Questions Answered

Legal aid is a vital resource for those seeking legal assistance in Harrison, Arkansas. Whether you`re facing a challenging legal situation or simply need guidance on your rights, Legal Aid of Arkansas is here to help. Below, answered common legal questions people legal aid Harrison.

Question Answer
1. How do I qualify for legal aid in Harrison, Arkansas? Legal Aid of Arkansas Harrison provides individuals meet income asset guidelines, facing civil legal issue, within service area. Also consider factors nature legal problem individual`s circumstances.
2. What types of cases does Legal Aid of Arkansas handle in Harrison? Legal Aid of Arkansas handles a wide range of civil legal issues, including housing, family law, consumer issues, public benefits, and more. Dedicated ensuring individuals access representation, regardless financial situation.
3. Can I receive help with a family law matter from Legal Aid of Arkansas? Yes, Legal Aid of Arkansas provides assistance with family law matters such as divorce, child custody, child support, and domestic violence. They understand the sensitive nature of these cases and are committed to providing compassionate and effective legal representation.
4. What I facing eviction Harrison? If you are facing eviction, it`s important to contact Legal Aid of Arkansas as soon as possible. Can provide guidance rights tenant may able offer representation help stay home.
5. How make appointment Legal Aid of Arkansas Harrison? To schedule appointment Legal Aid of Arkansas Harrison, call office submit online intake form. Staff work determine eligibility next steps receiving legal assistance.
6. Can Legal Aid of Arkansas help with issues related to public benefits? Yes, Legal Aid of Arkansas can assist with public benefit issues such as Medicaid, SNAP, and Social Security. They can help individuals understand their rights and navigate the application and appeals processes.
7. Is there a cost for receiving legal assistance from Legal Aid of Arkansas? Legal Aid of Arkansas provides services to eligible clients at no cost. This ensures that individuals who may not be able to afford legal representation have access to the help they need.
8. Can Legal Aid of Arkansas help with immigration matters? Legal Aid of Arkansas does not handle immigration matters. However, they can refer individuals to other organizations and resources that specialize in immigration law.
9. What languages spoken Legal Aid of Arkansas Harrison? Legal Arkansas staff fluent English Spanish, ensuring effectively communicate diverse range clients.
10. How support work Legal Aid of Arkansas Harrison? There are several ways to support the important work of Legal Aid of Arkansas, including making a donation, volunteering, and spreading the word about their services to those in need of legal assistance.